Soft tools

Different soft tools have been designed to use the data of IPDS.

Main tool: IPSDCodes

The library: IPDSlib

This library contains the main elements required to read the data of a given sequence, organize them and "synchronised" them (i.e. find the data of a sensor that has been acquired just before or after another data). It also contains the classes for frame transformation, image reprojection, omnidirectional image unwarping. This library is based on the classical libraries, excepted Qt4 used for display purposes.
The "complicated" organisation of the data (one folder by sensor, with complex names) is abstracted through the use of a configuration table that resume all the parameters for all the sensors. Among others, it allows to access the data of a sensor using directly its alias (for instance "f-l-cam") and to obtain the file where timestamps are saved. Typically, the function getReadings is used to read and set all the data from given folder, sensors and time range into a vector of generic objects called Unit, that have a date and a content. The date is used to temporally index the data; its content refers to the sensor data (number of an image for instance) or to the fields of a line of a folder. The data grouped from all the sensors can be reogranized temporally for a combined usage.
From the configuration table, the classes containing the data specific to each sensor can be generated in a C++ header (sensor_data.h, using the application generateCppHeader) and allow a cast from a generic Unit. Similarly, Matlab classes can be obtained (application generateMatlab).
The library contains also:


Other applications that use this library are provided:

The Institut Pascal Data Sets, INSTITUT PASCAL
UMR6602 - UBP - CNRS - IFMA; Clermont-Ferrand, France - ISPR axis